Terms of Services

✔ By Signup and placing an order at growtise.com you agree that you have already checked and completely understood these following terms and growtise.com will not be responsible for a loss in any way for clients who haven't read the below agreement.

✔  By placing an order with growtise.com, you automatically accept all these terms of services listed below whether the user reads them or not.

✔  We reserve the right to change these terms of service without any notice. You are expected to read all of these terms of service before you place every order to ensure you are up to date with these conditions or any future changes.

growtise.com will only be used to promote user's Instagram/Twitter/Youtube/Facebook or any other Social account and help boost your "Appearance" only.

✔  We DO NOT guarantee new followers provided by us will interact with you, and we only assure you to get the followers you pay for.

✔  We DO NOT assure 100% of our followers/likes will have a profile picture, full bio, and uploaded photos, although we aim to make this the reality for all accounts

✔  By signing up to the best smm panel and using our services you agree to receive information and promotion messages/emails/skype messages from us.

✔ By using our services you agree that you will not use any content that includes nudity/adult or any substance that is not allowed or suitable for Instagram/YoutTube/TikTok/Twitter/Facebook or any other Social Media networks.

✔  You will use the growtise.com website by following all terms of  Soundcloud/Instagram/Pinterest/Youtube and other social media listed on their own Terms of Service agreement.

✔  growtise.com rates can be changed at any moment without any notice. The terms stay in impact in the fact of price changes.

✔  growtise.com does not guarantee a delivery time for any of our services. We offer our best estimation for when the order will be completed. It's only an approximation & the growtise.com will not compensate/refund orders that are processing/pending/in progress if you feel they are taking too much time.

✔  growtise.com tries hard to provide exactly what our clients expect from us. In this case,  we reserve the right to change a service type/quality/speed if we believe it necessary to complete an order.

Refund Policy

✔ After adding ad fund to growtise.com you need to take the service. If you think you will not take the service, you will not be able to get any money back through any payment gateway or method. And cannot take any legal action for refund.You must take the service. If you agree to the terms, add an ad fund. Thank you.

✔After orders placed in growtise.com will not be refunded or canceled after they are placed. You will receive a refund credit to your growtise.com account if the order is non-deliverable.

Privacy Policy

✔ Our company highly values your privacy. We follow a policy of confidentiality to tell you how we collect and use information about you and what we do to keep this information confidential.

✔ We Collect Data from Our users. User Name, Email, Skype ID, IP Address.

✔ In growtise.com , we do not share confidential information you have provided to us. Also, we never share this information with third parties, including your orders.

✔ We don't communicate and contact the owners of services.

✔ We do not disclose information about your resale - all information remains with us.

growtise.com will protect your data for safety and prevent fraud, theft, or loss. Also, we guarantee the security of your data from copying or modification by third parties.

growtise.com works only with legal representatives who value the protection of personal information. That's why we confirm that your information will be protecte

Disclaimers :

boostguruji.com will not be responsible for any losses you or your business may suffer.

Liabilities :

boostguruji.com is in no way liable for any account suspension or picture/post/video deletion done by  YouTube or Soundcloud or Facebook or Tiktok or Other Social Media platform.